cucumber garden

Do Cucumbers Like Coffee Grounds?

Do cucumbers like coffee grounds? Yes, cucumbers are like coffee grounds. This is because the coffee grounds are mildly acidic and are rich in nitrogen which will help to keep your cucumbers growing healthy.

Other plants also benefit from coffee grounds as it helps to improve the overall soil texture for plant growth.

So if you are looking forward to us discussing more on whether cucumbers like coffee grounds? Read on.

Do Cucumbers Like Coffee Grounds?

Cucumbers like coffee grounds. Coffee grounds are high in nitrogen and mildly acidic. A balance in the consumption of nitrogen is very beneficial to cucumber. It helps to reduce nitrate accumulation in cucumbers. 

So, coffee grounds maintain a proper nitrogen ratio as a reduction can disrupt plant metabolism and accumulation of nitrogen in the cucumber by reducing the vitamin C buildup.

It also improves the soil texture for the overall healthy growth of the green cucumber.

How to Add Coffee Grounds to Cucumbers

There are various ways to add coffee grounds to cucumbers and they are:

  1. Side-dressing your plants with it.
  2. Mixing it into your compost crust or pile
  3. Mix it directly into the garden soil. You can do this by spreading/sprinkling/broadcasting the coffee grounds over the top soil areas.
  4. Rake it in together and mix it all.
  5. Pull back the garden soil along the edge of your plant growth with a rake, which is called side dressing. Then sprinkle the coffee grounds in the area where you pull back the soil. Use paper filters or bare hands to spread your soil over the top of your plant. Do this three to four inches off the edge of where your plants are planted into it.

How Coffee Grounds Benefit Cucumbers

Caffeine and tannins on coffee grounds help to protect the cucumber plants from pests, disease and other problems. The caffeine also helps to attract beneficial insects that will help to keep your cucumbers growing healthy and happy.

Other benefits of coffee grounds include:

1. Boost The Soil Texture 

Coffee grounds enhance the soil texture. Soil with coffee grounds is water resistant as they form a compacted crust.

As crusts break down, they release nutrients and nitrogen into the soil while still keeping the soil aeration. They have an enhanced texture and some organic compounds. 

Another good thing is watering your coffee grounds with alkaline tap water will also neutralize the soil.

2. Enhance/Increase Soil Acidity 

Green cucumber thrives better in soil with a pH level of 6.0 to 7.0 and coffee grounds are moderately acidic with a PH level of 6.5 to 7.0. 

The higher the pH level, the lesser the green cucumbers will be prone to fungal organisms. Without diseases, they mature and grow bigger in size.

3. Coffee Grounds Provides Good Compost

Compost pile mixture with coffee grounds improves the microbial activity in the soil. The internal temperature also goes higher and helps in killing many fungi and other pathogenic bacteria. 

The two mixtures will also aid in enhancing the soil’s structure and fertility which benefits the cucumbers.

You will also get more nitrogen in the soil. That is an ideal nitrogen-to-carbon ratio which is beneficial for the growth of cucumbers.

4. High Amount of Nutrients 

Coffee grounds have many nutrients like magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and other healthy nutrients needed for the growth of cucumbers. 

The high amount of magnesium and nitrogen will make the organic soil rich and  also help the cucumbers to grow bigger and be more succulent. 

5. Serves as a Mulch to Hinder Weeds

Cucumbers are known to be too sensitive to weeds as weeds reduce their intake of airflow. So coffee grounds can help hinder the weeds through mulching which is done around the cucumber beds. 

Mulching will also help keep the soil moist as well as suppress weeds.

Other benefits of coffee grounds to cucumbers are using them as pest control, fertilizer, and disease control.

cucumber garden

What Can I Use Coffee Grounds For in Cucumber Garden

Sprinkling or spreading coffee grounds on cucumber beds like mulch, the grounds will repel cats, suppress weeds, kill slugs and fertilize the soil. A coffee mulch also acidifies and aerates the soil. 


Cucumbers like coffee grounds and gain so much from them. Ensure you don’t use it in excess but moderately as it will lock the small soil particles strongly together and create water resistance in the garden.


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