how to start a garden

How to Start a Garden [The Ultimate Guide]

Gardening is a remarkable journey that allows you to connect with nature, grow food, and create a serene oasis in your backyard. It holds immense importance, offering many benefits beyond the mere act of planting and harvesting.

A garden, whether filled with flowers or vegetables or specifically dedicated to growing succulent tomatoes, grants you the power to grow your organic produce.

However, you do not just decide to start your garden, especially if you know nothing about gardening. There are practical steps to follow to build or create your garden.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of gardening and include various steps to start your garden with less effort.

How To Start A Garden in 12 Steps

1. Choose the Right Location

The first step in starting a garden is determining where to put it. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting a community garden. Choosing the right location is super important.

It is important to consider the sunlight the location receives, as most crops thrive in full sun. Certain apps like suncalc are available for tracking the sun’s path during different times of the year, helping you to identify the best areas for sunlight exposure.

2. Plan Your Garden

There are two primary options for garden space preparation: traditional gardening and raised bed gardening. Traditional gardening involves tilling the land, amending the soil with compost, and planting directly in the ground.

On the other hand, raised bed gardening requires building or purchasing raised beds and filling them with soil. While raised bed gardening offers benefits such as better weed control and easier maintenance, traditional gardening is a simpler and more affordable option if you are starting for the first time.

3. Prepare the Soil

We suggest that you amend the soil with organic matter to improve its quality. This can be achieved by adding compost or other organic materials to the soil within a raised bed or directly in the ground.

You can consider local sources of compost, such as farms, for obtaining large quantities. Also, a specific soil mix of sand, peat moss, and manure compost can be used for a better soil mix.

4. Choose Your Plants

When deciding what to grow in the garden, it is advisable to focus on plants frequently consumed by you and your family.

Prioritize crops that are commonly used in daily meals or can be easily preserved. While it’s great to experiment with new plants, ensuring that the core selection consists of plants that will be utilized and enjoyed is essential.

5. Select Your Seeds

Purchasing seeds earlier in the year, especially in northern climates, is recommended, as better deals can often be found during winter.

Online seed stores, such as “mi gardener,” offer a wide variety of affordable seeds with generous quantities per packet, making them suitable for small gardens.

6. You May Need to Start Seeds Indoors

Depending on the climate and specific plants being grown, some seeds may need to be started indoors.

This is particularly true for hot-weather crops like peppers, tomatoes, and melons, which require a longer growing season. Starting these seeds indoors allows for earlier growth and ensures a better harvest.

7. Start a Compost Pile

Starting a compost pile is highly encouraged as it provides nutrient-rich soil for the garden. Composting can be done using kitchen scraps, yard waste, tree clippings, and leaves.

A simple composting method involves creating a pile in a designated area of the yard and turning it with a pitchfork or shovel once or twice a year.

The resulting compost can be mixed into the soil or used as a top dressing around plants to enhance their growth.

8. Follow Seed Planting Techniques

You have to follow the instructions on the back of seed packets for specific planting techniques for each vegetable.

The orientation of the garden beds should be considered when planting taller crops like corn or sunflowers, as they should be placed on the north side to avoid shading other crops.

9. Mulch and Control Weeds

Prompt weed control is crucial in maintaining a healthy garden.  You are advised to remove weeds as soon as they appear, ideally within a week of planting.

This is particularly important when using fresh compost, which may contain grass seeds. Wood chips can be used as mulch between plants to suppress weed growth effectively.

10. Water Adequately

Adequate watering is vital for the health and growth of plants, especially during dry spells or when establishing young plants.

We suggest using a fan sprinkler for efficient watering. Deep watering, which ensures the moisture reaches the root zone, is preferable over shallow and frequent watering.

11. Care for Your Garden

Regular care and attention are necessary to ensure the success of a garden. Monitoring pests, such as insects or diseases, is essential for early intervention.

Trellising or staking tall plants like tomatoes and cucumbers helps to support their growth.

Also, periodically providing necessary nutrients through organic fertilizers or compost tea can promote healthier plant development.

12. Harvest and Preserve

Harvesting crops at their peak ripeness is recommended for the best flavor and quality. It is advisable to have the necessary supplies ready for preserving excess produce. Options for preservation include freezing, canning, or creating sauces, jellies, or jams.

Types of Gardens You Can Start

Starting and running a garden successfully requires some focus. You can’t possibly do everything on the same piece of land, and this is for obvious reasons. For instance, some plants cannot thrive when they’re planted alongside others.

Let’s have a look at some of the different types of gardens you can start and what they require:

  • Vegetable Garden: This is a type of garden where the focus is just on growing vegetables of different species. You can check out this post we published to learn how to start a vegetable garden.
  • Flower Garden: A flower garden is one where you focus on growing flowers such as Sunflower, Nigella, Columbine, Californian Poppy, etc. Check out this post to learn how to start a flower garden.
  • Herb Garden: A herb garden is one where you focus on planting and nurturing different kinds of annual and perennial herbs such as Basil, Dill, Thyme, and so on. You can check out this post to learn tips on how to start a herb garden.
  • Butterfly Garden: This is an outdoor space that is planned to accommodate and nurture butterflies. This post has a comprehensive guide on how to start a butterfly garden.
  • Hydroponic Garden: This is a type of garden that uses significantly less water than soil-based gardening. We explained a lot more in detail in this post on how to start a hydroponic garden.
  • Market Garden: This is a type of garden that maximizes productivity in a small area to produce a wide variety of fresh, healthy, and locally grown vegetables, fruits, and herbs that can be sold directly to consumers. Learn how to start a market garden.


What Makes a Good Garden?

A good garden typically includes a well-thought-out design and layout, a thoughtful selection of plants, proper maintenance, and attention to detail.


Starting a garden can be an incredibly fulfilling and rewarding experience. You can follow the steps mentioned in this blog post.

First, choose the right location, considering sunlight, soil quality, and accessibility. Next, plan your garden layout, taking into account the available space and the types of plants you wish to grow.

Once you’ve prepared the soil and carefully selected your plants, it’s time to plant and transplant with care. Remember to provide adequate watering and irrigation, mulch to control weeds, and diligently care for your garden.


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