Hulled Vs Unhulled Bermuda Grass Seed

One of the most common grass species sold in stores is hulled vs unhulled Bermuda grass seed, but ordering it online means you might not know what to anticipate. 

Bermuda grass seed is sold in two different varieties. The first type is Bermuda grass with a hull, and the second type is Bermuda grass without a hull. Without the correct knowledge of them, picking one of them may be difficult. 

Both hulled and unhulled Bermuda grasses are well-liked options for landscaping, but before you buy a new batch of seeds, you should be aware of the key differences. 

Before we talk about hulled vs unhulled Bermuda grass seed, let us first discuss the basics of Bermuda grass. Read on.

Bermuda Grass: The Basics 

A perennial grass that was traditionally planted in the Southern United States is the hulled Bermuda grass seed. It produces huge, dense mounds with spreading crowns and white blooms. For simple collection, the seeds are housed in tiny hulls that are firmly packed. 

The texture of hulled Bermuda grass seed is soft, making it popular for uses where it will be mowed or bagged. Some people use hulled Bermuda grass for landscaping, but they have to buy the seeds in order to grow it as a lovely ground cover rather than a lawn. Bermuda grass is a great choice for covering expansive areas like fields and sidewalks due to its widely-spreading mounds.

Since many years ago, Bermuda grass has been used as a common lawn grass. This grass grows quickly and is a stunning dark green hue. It serves a variety of purposes in landscaping, such as enhancing the appeal of the surroundings, including lawns and other locations. 

Bermuda grass should be considered for planting if you want a lawn that will enhance the attractiveness of your yard in addition to appearing good.

Various Bermuda Grass Seeds 

One of the most well-liked and frequently used turfgrasses is Bermuda grass seed, also referred to as “Royal” grass. It is one of the most widely used lawn grasses worldwide. 

It is frequently utilized in golf courses, athletic fields, and other turf areas. The Bermuda grass has a distinctive look and develops swiftly. It is a warm-season grass that does well in hot climates. 

Yet, hulled and unhulled Bermuda grass seeds come in two different varieties. The most common variety is hulled Bermuda grass seed, which is used to make turf. Bermuda grass seed without the shell is used in landscaping.

Hulled Vs Unhulled Bermuda Grass Seed (Differences)

Bermuda grass seeds are frequently purchased because they are less expensive than those of other varieties of grass. Therefore, the distinction between hulled and unhulled seed is not particularly significant. 

The two varieties of Bermuda grass seed can be sown together and will develop similarly.

The primary distinction between the two varieties of Bermuda grass seed is that hulled seeds are protected from germination until they are planted in the ground by a plastic shell. Unhulled Bermuda grass seeds do not have a shell on them. The seeds are therefore more vulnerable to harm from extreme weather conditions like heat or cold.

This means that ordering unhulled Bermuda grass seeds rather than hulled Bermuda grass seeds is a smart option if you live in a region where the soil experiences periodic freezing and thawing because the latter will perish if exposed to frost. 

This can be disappointing, particularly if you paid for a seed that you are unable to use because of its deteriorating quality, which would harm your lawn instead of promoting development. 

Compared to hulled Bermuda grass seed, unhulled Bermuda grass seed is more expensive. Also, compared to hulled Bermuda grass seed, unhulled Bermuda grass seed has reduced potency. 

Because it doesn’t grow a robust and dense lawn, unhulled Bermuda grass seed is not the ideal option for a lawn.

On the other hand, it is a fantastic option for decorative lawn use. 

Hulled Bermuda Grass Seed 

Bermuda grass hybrid seed is known as hulled Bermuda grass. It is created by crossing two different varieties of Bermuda grass. 

Bermuda grass seed can be classified as either hulled or unhulled depending on whether or not a hull or casing surrounds the seed. The unhulled seed does not have a casing. 

Advantages of Hulled Bermuda Grass Seed 

For your lawn, hulled Bermuda grass seed is a fantastic option. It is among the most widely used varieties of grass seed worldwide. Hulled bermuda is a hybrid variety of grass and is distinguished by its special qualities.

It only takes 6–8 weeks for it to reach a height of 1.5 inches and have a bright green color. It is simpler to manage than typical Bermuda grass since it has fewer brown areas. 

Because of its shallow roots, it is also simple to install in Hulled. Bermuda grass is a particular variety of grass that thrives in warm, humid environments. 

It can grow up to 6-8 feet tall and is typically grown in areas with a lot of moisture. The plant has tiny leaves and is light green in color. The seeds are formed in clusters and can be found in the center of the plant.

Due to its propensity to grow fast and effectively in hot and humid regions, it is one of the most widely used lawn grasses.

Unhulled Bermuda Grass Seed 

More people use unhulled Bermuda grass seed than hulled Bermuda grass seed. That costs extra money as well. It is important to understand the distinctions between the two when purchasing grass seed. 

While hulled Bermuda grass seed can be sown at any time of the year, unhulled Bermuda grass seed must be sown in the early spring. Also, you should be aware that unhulled seeds take longer to germinate than unshucked seeds

Advantages of Unhulled Bermuda Grass Seed 

Unhulled Bermuda grass seed is a variety of seed that has not undergone hulling processing. These grass seeds can be utilized for many different purposes, including the development of lush, beautiful lawns. Over hulled Bermuda grass seed, and unhulled Bermuda grass seed has many benefits. 

This grass’s seeds are larger by nature and don’t need to be processed through hulling. 

Because of this, they are easier to find for sale. If you want a quick way to get some lovely, green grass on your lawn, you should think about getting Bermuda grass seed. The grass spreads quickly and needs little upkeep.

Its thick and supple texture makes it perfect for use on grass. Turfgrass can also be replaced with it in some situations.

Which Type of Grass Seed is Better for Bermuda Grass, Hulled or Unhulled? 

The seeds of Bermuda grass are the same whether they are hulled or unhulled, but the hulled seeds have been subjected to heat, steam, and pressure. 

They become more robust and sturdy as a result. The hulled seed is a better option if you’re planting a lawn that will need to resist considerable foot traffic. 

Unhulled seed is a preferable option if you’re growing a lawn that will receive frequent irrigation, though. Also, due to their superior nutritional value, unhulled seeds are more expensive than hulled seeds. 

For instance, unhulled seeds have the following health advantages:

  • They contain an antioxidant called Quercetin, which has been demonstrated to aid in the prevention of cancer and heart disease. 
  • They have a protein called prolamine, which is rich in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. 
  • Minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc are also present in them. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How Long Will it be Before I See My First Lawn After Planting the Seed? 

After a week or two, you can anticipate planting Bermuda grass and having your first lawn in at least three weeks, if not sooner. 

This allows you enough growing space before it rains and gets hot, giving you a buffer in case conditions aren’t optimal and preventing you from overtaxing the grass with early growth.

What is the Germination Time for Hulled Bermuda Grass Seed? 

Bermuda grass seed might take anywhere between 7 and 14 days to germinate. 

Nevertheless, if you sow the seeds in a container with damp peat moss or vermiculite, they will begin to sprout more quickly. 

What is the Germination Time for Unhulled Bermuda Grass Seed? 

If properly sown, unhulled Bermuda grass seed can germinate in as little as two weeks. 

Making sure the Unhulled Bermuda grass seeds are exposed to warm, wet soil with sufficient drainage is essential for successful germination.

How Soon Can I Begin Sowing Hulled Bermuda Grass Seed? 

Bermuda grass seed should be sown in the spring for the greatest results. However, if you want to plant it during the fall, then it can be done as well. 

When Should I Start Growing Unhulled Bermuda Grass Seed? 

If you want to plant Bermuda grass seeds, then it is best to start planting them in the spring. The best time to plant Bermuda grass seeds is in the spring.

The grass is more resistant to heat and cold at this time and has produced a significant number of leaves. If you search for Bermuda grass seed online, you will find it quickly.

Read: Grass Carpet Vs St. Augustine


Bermuda grass is a lovely lawn grass that may be utilized in gardening and landscaping. The grass, commonly referred to as “silver Bermuda,” has silver-looking foliage. 

You should be aware, though, that there are two distinct varieties of this plant. If you prefer, you can pick between the hulled and unhulled varieties. 

While unhulled Bermuda grass favors cooler temperatures, hulled Bermuda grass has thick leaves and does well in warmer climates.


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