When Can You Walk On New Sod?

When can you work on new sod? You can work on new sod after the sod has taken root, and that can be about 2 to 6 weeks. You need to wait a bit before using it like your old lawn. 

The lawn does not need heavy foot traffic or activity until the ground thaws out, but it’s best to wait until it has settled and the root system is established properly.

How Long Should I Wait?

We recommend waiting at least two to three weeks before using your new lawn regularly. Your lawn will take root within this period but it is best to be sure before using it often.

Why Should I Wait?

Why you should wait to use your new lawn is for the new sod to have an established and strong root system before usage. 

If you use the lawn before the roots have established and are not strong enough, you are lessening your chances of a stronger and lasting lawn. And even lessening the chances of success. 

A strong root system can take about 10 days to 42 days to establish. But there are things you should do to enhance a deep-rooted system:

  • Water the new sod frequently for the first 10 to 21 days, so it doesn’t dry up. A root system needs enough water to develop properly.
  • Do not over water the new sod. A drowning new sod can not take root. Do more research to find out how regularly to water the sod and check out our post on new sod turning brown.
  • Carefully prepare your ground for installing new sod. This will give you a good quality lawn that will take root faster without delays.

How Do You Know if New Sod Has Taken Root

 You can know if your sod has taken root by doing the following below:

  1. By gently lifting one corner of the pieces of the new sod. If you have difficulty lifting it up, know that the root system has developed but if there was no difficulty, that means no root development yet.
  2. Repeat this to other corners of the pieces of sod to ensure the rooting has all taken place.
  3. If the root hasn’t developed yet, ensure to water the sod properly. But you need to walk on the sod lightly.
  4. Ensure you mow it 5 to 7 days after installation
  5. Walk on it softly when mowing for the first time and follow the basic directions for the first time mowing.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How Long Before You Can Play on New Sod?

We recommend waiting for about two weeks before you can play on your new sod. But the number of waiting days depends on checking if the lawn has actually taken root. 

How do I know if my New Sod is Doing Well?

To test if your new sod is doing well and getting enough water is by peel a corner and put a screwdriver gently into the soil. It should push in easily with little effort, and when removed, have water on the first 3 to 4 inches. New sod needs daily watering the first week after planting.

Is it OK to Walk on New Sod?

You can walk on your new sod lawn gently and minimally but avoid any heavy foot traffic and activity right away. 

No heavy work construction, soccer games or wheelbarrows pushing on it until it gets established after two to six weeks. It will help the fragile root system not to tear before it fully develops.

How Often Should You Water Sod?

You can water your new sod daily during the first week. But depending on the temperature, you water it 1 to 6 times a day for 3 to 6 minutes at a time. 

The hotter the temperature, the more you should water it. The ideal thing is to keep the sod and soil underneath moist throughout the day but not to over-water it.

Should You Water Sod All Day?

Depending on the temperature, continue watering new sod twice to thrice per day. Especially in the morning and afternoon. We recommend a thorough and deep watering until the soil is saturated but not soaked with water. 

But the best ideal time is in the morning when we have lower wind speeds and this is when less water is lost to evaporation.

What to Do Immediately After Laying Sod?

The first things to do after installing your needed sod are:

  1. Water it deeply immediately. Ensure it is started with water within 30 minutes after installation.
  2. Roll the sod gently
  3. Mow it 5 to 7 days after installation and when necessary
  4. Avoid chemical treatments on new sod.


We have answered the question, when can you work on new sod? Waiting for two to three weeks is the best waiting period. It may seem like a long time not to be using your lawn activities but waiting is better for success. 

So it is definitely easier to wait 2 weeks than to destroy your sod and waste money. The result in the end is always a beautiful-looking sod. It pays off to be patient, and the outcome is worth the wait.


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